Friday, December 20, 2013

Oil Check at Every Other Fill-up

One point we want to drive home to our readers is that motor oil truly is the lifeblood of your vehicle. Too many vehicle problems and breakdowns are caused by poor oil habits. One habit that we should all pick up is to check our oil every other time we get gas. Even in newer vehicles, your oil level is going to get low, it is just a matter of time. So, every other time you find yourself at the pump, just follow the following procedure for an accurate reading of your oil level.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Clean Engine is an Efficient Engine

Most of us are more efficient throughout our day if we are showered, clean and ready to go. You vehicle is just like us. A clean car is a happy car: specifically the engine.

A dirty engine can significantly decrease the efficiency of your vehicle. A dirty engine runs hotter than a clean one, which puts a bigger strain on your vehicle. Also, if you periodically clean your engine, it will be easier to spot leaks and diagnose problems.

Here are some tips to keep your engine clean and your travels efficient: